автореферат диссертации по технологии продовольственных продуктов, 05.18.01, диссертация на тему:Научные основы технологий хлебобулочных изделий с направленным культивированием микроорганизмов

доктора технических наук
Богатырева, Татьяна Глебовна
специальность ВАК РФ
450 рублей
Диссертация по технологии продовольственных продуктов на тему «Научные основы технологий хлебобулочных изделий с направленным культивированием микроорганизмов»

Заключение диссертация на тему "Научные основы технологий хлебобулочных изделий с направленным культивированием микроорганизмов"

3. Выводы - . . 1 54

Список опубликованных работ и изобретений по теме диссертации в виде научного 59 доклада.

Scientific substations of the technology of bakery products having regulation microbiology processes

Solving the problem of bakery products quality and increasing mi-tobiological purity and stability of dough preparation processes in ecologically critical regions having hot climate scientific substations technolo-;ies using special leavens were worked out.

They include the selection of special kinds and species of microorganisms with, high biochemical and bactericide properties, optimization of lutritive media composition and eretiion of compositions with these mi Cioorganisir.s.

By meaiis of ^toden selection methods ( mutagenesis, hybridizatio, adaptation) new "no. ihem^^Tlic lastobac!M|{L.delbrukii -is 39-1, 302, N40). propionibacterfum ( FropionScteriuia freundenreichii spp.shemuuiii BKM-103), yeast ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae), caratinoic (Bullera arrr.v-nioca), ergesterol yeast were made.

Scientifically based new kind 5 of wheat leavens were worked out. I'hey are following: propionicacid leaven, vitamins leaven, acidophil, .oaiplsx leaven arid yeas! containing ¡eavens wore w.rked out.

Technologies of leavens arid the way« of their application in sreadsmaking basing on systematic analysis were determined.

The usage of leavens is connected with fermentation of selected species, biochemical composition of leavens, differential influence and eoSogical properties of dough.

The new leavens are used frocessing the flour having strong ind weak gluten, to increase the stability in regions with critical environnent and also for makmg diet-bread these leavens are made.

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Отпечатано в Издашьском комгссксс Московского государственного университета пищевых п(X изйодств 125080, Мос^ф^ол. > К'Чй^^с шоссе. ¡1